To update:2017-07-13 11:47:48 Publisher: aeIO93Uk_jfe
The energy-saving result of t h e m a c hine is wor th of 100000-150000RMB Yuan compared with that of the single effect one that calculated with SJN-1000 type. The saved energy includes about three thousand five hundred tons's team,ninety thousand of tons'water, about eighty thousand of electric power.
The concentrator adopts the vaporization method of minus pressure outer thermal cycle. which features rapid vaporization and large specific gravity of 1.2-1.35 (general Chinese traditional medicine immersed cream).
The concentrator adopts dual-effect simultaneous vaporization that leaves the secondary utilized. Compared with the dualeffect concentrator, the energy consumption lowers about fifty percent. The profit from the e nergy saving of one year is equal to the investment on the machine.
Operation characteristic of multi-function;
(1)The concentration of alcohol recyclable is about eighty percent.
(2) The repeated united cream rec-eiving is available to the single.
&Dual. And triple. effect.
(3)The intermittent and continuous feeding are available.
The contact part of the concentrator and the material is made of stainless steel. meeting the standard of the GMP The outline is beautiful, There is thermal keeping layer in the heater and vaporizer, the enclosure of the thermal keeping layer is made of thin plate of stainless steel. The surface is under the processing of mirror technology and dark brightness.